Art / Science / Innovation

Get Involved


There are a wide variety of ways to get involved with the Art of Science Learning, at the national as well as local level.

We’re recruiting people to contribute to ArtScienceMatchup, a site where you can post links to art / science / education projects, lessons, and resources.  You can also post your own project or profile, if you’re looking for collaborators. The goal is to encourage collaboration on projects that combine the arts with science and education. If you’d like to be registered as a contributor, please email:

Each incubator is recruiting fellows, mentors, expert advisers, and volunteers to participate in the innovation curriculum and civic challenge process, an extraordinary opportunity.  You can write the incubator directors for more information:

If you are a resident or neighbor of the incubator communities, there will be public events and exhibits as the project evolves over the the next two years.  We’ll post event dates and details on this site, as will the sponsoring organizations

Finally, you can learn more about arts-based learning (in theory and practice) through the reports and resources on this site. We’re always looking for more examples of programs and of literature (especially research on artscience) for the Resources section; please send suggestions to