Art / Science / Innovation

Launching the Future of Innovation

Launching the Future of Innovation

On October 12th, 2013, in the soaring and light-filled atrium of San Diego’s Art & Space Museum in Balboa Park, the Art of Science Learning launched its first Incubator for Innovation.

Museum of Science and Industry

Museum of Science and Industry

The Art of Science Learning’s Chicago Incubator for Innovation was hosted by the Museum of Science and Industry, the largest science center in the Western hemisphere.

Balboa Park Cultural Partnership

Balboa Park Cultural Partnership

The Art of Science Learning’s San Diego Incubator for Innovation was hosted by the Balboa Park Cultural Partnership, a unique nonprofit organization through which 27 arts, science and cultural institutions “collaborate to achieve greater organizational efficiency, innovation and excellence”.

The Ecotarium

The Ecotarium

The Art of Science Learning’s Worcester Incubator for Innovation was hosted by the Ecotarium, America’s oldest indoor/outdoor center for discovery and learning in nature and science.

Art of Science Learning at the Smithsonian

Art of Science Learning at the Smithsonian

Art of Science Learning recently led workshops for the Smithsonian/US Patent and Trade Office’s 2015 Innovation Festival, a remarkable event which attracted more than 30,000 visitors from all over the world.